
Governing Board

To contact our Chair of Governors, Ian Gray, please use the school contact details. 
Governors Annual Statement
Information about Governance at Dacre Braithwaite
Governors Area
Private Page

Ian Gray

Chair of Governors

Foundation Governor Appointment
Term of office: Appointed 2016,  (2024 - 2028)

I am a parent governor, married to Hayley and have three children. I love sport, food and am a committed Christian. I run my own consultancy business specialising in working in the public sector in the delivery of major investment and infrastructure programmes and projects.

Business Interests: Director of I Gray Consulting Ltd. Charity Trustee YTF Church, Coalville, Leicestershire.

Other educational establishments a Governor at: None

Relationships between governors and members of school staff: None. 

Jo Dobbs

Headteacher Governor

Term of Office: Appointed September 2016

I report to Governors each term on all aspects of school life.
Business interests: None
Other educational establishments a Governor at: None

Relationships between governors and members of school staff: None

Nichola Skelton


Foundation Governor
Appointed by the Diocesan Board of Education
Term of Office: Appointed 2017 (2021-2025)

Link Governor for Safeguarding

4 years as CFO of Kloeckner Metals UK; 5 years as Finance Director for Telephony and Internet Banking at Lloyds Banking Group and 10 years Telecommunications experience.

Business Interests: Volunteer member of the Finance team for Guiseley Baptist Church

Independent examiner for the Bridge Project - a youth charity based in Tadcaster.

Acting Chair of the Yorkshire Baptist Association (YBA) Trust Board.

Other establishments a governor at: none

Relationship between governors and members of school staff: none


Kate Parker

Foundation Governor

Term of Office: Appointed May 2023 - 2027

Link Governor for Vulnerable Learners

Business interests: None

Other educational establishments a Governor at: None

Relationships between governors and members of school staff: None

I moved to Nidderdale from Norfolk.

I have 2 children; my daughter is currently at Nidderdale High School having left Dacre Braithwaite in 2021 and my son currently attends school. Like many other families in the Dale, our life revolves around the farming and shooting calendar. Our working team of dogs and various other animals take up much of our time, squeezed in amongst a lot of sport!

I have a professional background in Local Authority project management having worked as a Partnership Officer for various District Councils across the country. I have a special interest in art and have helped to deliver many art initiatives both in professional roles and as a volunteer for local charities and community groups. I am a strong believer that art raises children’s self esteem and self expression and love to see this incorporated into school life so successfully at Dacre Braithwaite.

Alistair Ferneley

Foundation Governor

 Term of Office: Appointed 2016 (Ex Officio)
Link Governor for Vision and Distinctiveness

Business interests: None

Other educational establishments a Governor at: None

Relationships between governors and members of school staff: None

Tracey Grayshon

Foundation Governor

Appointed by the Trustees of Matthew Nelson Braithwaite Education Trust
Term of Office: Appointed 1999 (2019-27)

Responsible for Health and Safety 

I am the Trustee representative for Dacre Braithwaite CE Primary School. I am a member of the Finance Committees.

I am a HLTA at Dacre Braithwaite, currently supporting the Class 3 team.

One of my many roles is that of Family Support Worker. I can offer: Practical and emotional support to parents Parenting information (e.g. routines and behaviours). Any support given to parents/carers is confidential.

Business interests: Director of a local business

Other educational establishments a Governor at: None

Relationships between governors and members of school staff: None

 Hannah Smith 

Parent Governor

Term of office: Appointed Sept 2025 - 2029

Business Interests: None

Other Educational Establishments a Governor at: None

Relationships between governors and members of school staff: None

I have lived in Nidderdale for the last 8 years. I am married with 2 children at Dacre Braithwaite CE Primary School.

I have worked in both teaching and management roles in Education for over 20 years mainly in post 16 and love working with students and new teachers to support them achieve their potential. My degree was in Biology with a master’s in educational policy and practice, my academic interest focusing on addressing educational disadvantage.

I enjoy good food, good wine and good books as well as spending time out walking with my family and our dog.I have lived in Nidderdale for the last 8 years. I am married with 2 children at Dacre Braithwaite CE Primary School.

Greg Jones

Staff Governor

Appointed by the Staff.
Term of Office 2019 - (2023 - 2027)

Started teaching at Dacre Braithwaite in September 2019. I currently teach the Class 3 children (years 5 and 6). I enjoy tinkering with my motorbike and holidaying with my family in France. 

Business Interests: None

Other educational establishments a governor at: None

Relationship between governors and members of school staff: None

Jacqueline Baker

Foundation Governor

Appointed by the Diocese of Leeds
Term of Office: Appointed 2018 (2022-2026)

Link Governor for Wellbeing

I am currently a freelance Training Consultant primarily working with HACS Construction. Prior to this I was the director of a Community Interest Company working with Yorkshire Secondary Schools to create enterprise links to the music industry. This spanned out of my work as a Partnership Manager at North Yorkshire Business Education Partnership.

 I am happily married with a daughter and 2 stepsons now in their 20’s. Our daughter attended Dacre Braithwaite School. My husband runs his own business in Ripley and we live in Dacre Banks.

Business Interests: Training Consultancy

Other establishments a governor at: none

Relationship between governors and members of school staff: none.

Parent Governor - Vacancy

Governors who have recently resigned

Louise Pullan    06.04.2023                     Claire Broadley 02.04.2023         Johnathan Knocker 25.11.24

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