At Dacre Braithwaite we have a really strong culture of listening to our Pupils. All the children in Class 3 are in at least one council or committee, and all of the children in the other classes are involved in becoming School Council and Eco Team representatives if they choose to be. 

School of the Week

We were school of the week from 8th - 12th July on Your Harrogate. To hear why the children love our school after their visit from Road Safety Talks visit - please click on the links below.

Children's Collective Worship Committee (CCWC)

At Dacre Braithwaite, years five and six form our spectacular CCWC (Children’s Collective Worship Committee) who lead assemblies regularly.

The whole school gather for these fantastic events, and often CCWC prepare and perform stories relating to collective worship themes.

It is a challenge, and a great responsibility to lead whole school prayers and collective worship, and the group learn to work and co-operate together as a team.

Scarlett, Mekhi, Hannah, Ilsa, Annalise, Naomi, Arthur and Olive

School Council

School council is formed from six caring and considerate children (two from each class) who represent voices and ideas of their peers. Members of school council are elected by democratic vote, and take part in regular meetings to discuss ideas and put forward suggestions.

School council work for all pupils to make Dacre Braithwaite as fulfilling as possible.

Beau, Rosie, Hannah, Faye, Ella and Barney

School Meals Survey 2020

Eco Committee

Our incredible Eco-team are superstars of the community. They help to recycle mountains of material and suggest brilliant ideas to reduce energy use in school! Class three children choose to be part of Eco Team at the beginning of each school year and give up their own free time to support this fantastic cause! They are currently working towards the Eco Flag award.

Oliver, Bruno, Max, Barney, Carter, Charlie, Keira, Joe, Reece, Lulu, Logan and Jasmine

Sports Crew

Sports Crew lead exciting activities every day during break times on the playground. They make playtimes as active as possible keeping fit,                 co-operating and taking responsibility for one another’s well-being. An exciting range of sports and games are available and the experience helps all children to live life to the full.

Josh, Alex, Rosie, Ben, Georgie, Lauren, Sam, Alan and Faye

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