News From This Week
I hope that you all had a good week last week and managed to get out and about or maybe even just to have some time to please yourselves! It is great to be back and to see the children all working so hard and enjoying their learning! Thank you to all of you who have sent back your Parent Questionnaires – the responses so far have been overwhelmingly positive with support for our lovely school and the work that the staff do. Thank you! If you haven’t yet managed to send yours back the deadline is next Friday - I’ll compile the results and share them after next week.
Schoebox appeal
Thank you also to all of you who have sent in filled shoeboxes – to date we have a lovely collection of 12 and I know that there are a few more ‘pending’. I will be taking our collection to Holy Trinity Church, Ripon next Friday.
Lauren Doherty
Over the last few years, many of you will have heard of the links we have with Lauren Doherty. Well, there’s big news for her! After her road traffic accident, Lauren has rebuilt her life and since 2016 has spoken to over 5000 Children and Young Adults about her experience, her disability and about Road Safety, as well as reaching 1000's of people via Social Media, Newspapers, Magazines, and Radio. In July, Road Safety Talks was registered as a Charity and she is currently not only undertaking a build project to create a permanent, fully accessible, office base for the Charity, but is also doing a lot of work to be able to start sharing her story and Road Safety message on a national basis, not just regionally. Therefore, to celebrate this exciting time she is officially launching the Charity! Not only to thank everyone to date for their support and share with them her plans for the future, but to introduce the Charity to others who may not yet of heard Lauren’s message and or the work Road Safety Talks does. On Thursday 21st November, with thanks to Pannal Golf Club, Harrogate, she will be holding a Charity Launch Event and would like to extend an invitation to all of you. The evening will begin with a drinks reception from 6.30pm followed by a presentation by Lauren and Colleagues from North Yorkshire Police and North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue at 7pm. There will be a buffet served after the presentation. There is no charge to attend, but numbers are limited at the club, therefore I would ask if you would kindly let them know if you are able to attend by calling Rebecca on 07912 303489 or emailing . If you know of anyone else who would be interested in hearing Lauren’s story and about the Road Safety Talks Project, Colleagues, Friends or Family, please let them know. I hope that you are able to join her on the evening. HOT OFF THE PRESS!! Last night, The Yorkshire Young Achievers Foundation awarded Lauren the Unsung Hero of the Year for all of her road safety awareness work. I was lucky enough to see her being presented with the award and it was a fantastic evening! Even more reason to go along on the 21st and meet her for yourselves!
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Swimming Fees
Currently, there is £375 owing for swimming lessons. Please could I politely ask parents to go onto Parentpay and make a contribution towards this – and as always, should anyone need to have a chat in confidence with me, I am always available.
School Open Afternoon on 21st November
Please encourage anyone you know to pop along to our Open Afternoon on 21st November from 1 – 3pm. We would love to share all that we do in school and the achievements that we have attained. Plus, we have spaces in school for more children should you know of anyone who might want to consider a midterm move.
Infant Agility and the Change
We have just heard that the Infant Agility and the Change for Life festival have had to be rescheduled. Please see dates section for the changes. Thank you.
Next Friday is Children in Need Day – come along wearing spots, stripes or your own clothes and bring a donation (£1) to support the work of this fantastic charity! (Class 2 can bring their own clothes for after their assembly if they are dressing up)
Christian value this half term is Trust
Our new Christian value this half term is Trust. The children have been thinking about what this means to them and this week’s ‘thought for the week’ sums up what we’ve been chatting about. Chris Butler wisely says, “Trust is earned when actions meet words.” How true that is!
Have a good weekend, whatever you’re up to! Jo Dobbs Headteacher
Free Giveaway! Who doesn’t love a free, no strings attached giveaway? Well, last week at my Church, one of the lovely ladies who regularly shops at Aldi for the children’s groups was given some free, brand new uniform which she has passed onto me for our school.
We have:- 1 pair of navy boys trousers aged 5 -6 years
1 pair of navy boys trousers aged 6-7 years
1 pack of 2 girls pinafore dresses aged 7-8 years
1 pack of 2 girls pinafore dresses aged 8-9 years
Also, not for school, but also to give away –
3 black jersey girls skirts, 1 of each aged 6-7 years / 7 – 8 years and 9 – 10 years
a pair of girls black trousers aged 6-7 years.
They are sitting in the office waiting to be claimed, named and to go to good homes. ☺