News Letter 29-11-19
Spick and Span!
I would just like to start this week’s newsletter by thanking the amazing staff team that we have here, who set to on Monday afternoon and cleaned and disinfected many, many resources in the classrooms in order to try to eradicate this sickness bug that is going around. Fingers crossed that we’ve managed to beat it. Thank you also to you the parents for your understanding and for keeping your children at home for 48 hours after their last bout of sickness. Hopefully, we’ll have got rid of it all before Christmas!
School Photography
On Tuesday, we had another regular visit from Ritchie, our school photographer. The children love his sense of humour (he deliberately calls them all by incorrect names and makes them giggle) and it shows in the photographs that he takes. Please could you return your orders by Tuesday 10th December to be in time for Christmas? Thank you. New Paragraph
Frends Of Dacre Braithwaite Cooking Fantatic
Tuesday night saw another fabulous event organised by the Friends of Dacre Braithwaite! It was a great evening and was very well attended. They have raised a total of £176 which is great! Thank you for organising it!
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You may have noticed that the newsletter has come into your inboxes in a slightly different way this week. This is because we now have a shiny, new website (still the same web address Mr. Baker (Victoria’s dad) has designed and constructed it all for us and has done an amazing job. On Wednesday he gave Mrs. Moorhouse and I a lesson on how to edit and amend it and so we have both had a really steep learning curve this week. There are still a few things that we have to tweak, but, thanks to all of Mr. Baker’s efforts, there’s not much. Please be patient with us as we learn! One of the main reasons for changing is so that it is more user friendly for parents who use their phones or tablets to access information. I am sure you’ll notice a difference. I would really love to have some comments about this school as testimonies for the front page, and who better to ask than our parents? Please could you email me any comments that you would be happy to have on the website, either about the school, or the staff or how your children feel? ( It would make a huge difference to how the front page appears and would be a good way to help to market the school to prospective new parents. Thank you!
Class 3 Music Lessons
If your child is in Class 3 they will take part in our weekly Wider Opportunities Music lessons. Mr. Price has sent me ALL (yes, ALL!) of the WOP music and you can now download any piece that your child may want to practice in the week from the new website. Just go to the Class 3 page where you’ll see a big list!
Air Ambulance Charity Stamps
Isla’s mum has come up with a brilliant idea! The Great North Air Ambulance are collecting stamps to help support their charity – why not start collecting them as the Christmas Cards start rolling in? There needs to be a 1-2cm border around the stamp please when cut from an envelope and there is now a lovely big box in the porch to put your stamps in! For more info go to -
Advent Theme Day
We have had a lovely day today with our Advent Theme Day – why not ask the children what they’ve been doing? We’ve had Advent crowns, stained glass windows, stained glass biscuits, random acts of kindness calendars and pop up decorations! The children really enjoy these Theme days and it is a great opportunity for them to work in their house teams supporting each other as they learn together.
Christian Value Theme
Continuing with our new Christian value this half term of Trust, the children have been thinking about what this means to them and this week’s ‘thought for the week’ says, “When God pushes you to the edge of your difficulty, trust Him fully because two things can happen; either He’ll catch you when you fall or He will teach you how to fly.” How true that is! I hope it makes you pause for thought this weekend.
See list of upcoming events >>