Remote Learning
Please find below a collection of useful resources to support learning at home
If a class bubble has to work from home or there is a school closure then, in line with Government expectations, children will be set on average 3 hours (KS1) and a minimum 4 hours (KS2) of work to complete each day. This will be through our online learning platform, Showbie, and through use of online software that the school subscribes to. We will also email resources to parents who struggle to access Showbie through limited broadband provision.
Showbie allows staff to:
Showbie allows children to:
Showbie allows parents to:
When a whole class/bubble is isolating or during a school closure, then our aim is for the class teacher to be in contact with the whole class at different points in the day using the Showbie APP. This will be to:
Click on the Images below to visit the websites
English / Literacy Website resources
Maths / Numeracy Website Resources
Whole Curriculum Website Resources
Our school works within Leeds Diocesan Learning Trust Academy and the Diocese of Leeds and enjoys meaningful partnerships with both.