Newsletter 6th March 2020
I’ve been looking forward to writing this newsletter as we’ve had lots of practice writing letters in Class 2 this week from the perspective of a bystander in Holy week. It also feels like Spring is definitely in the air with the longer, brighter days, being woken by the dawn chorus and the children’s tales of the lambs being born nearby.
I am sure that like us, you will have been following the latest developments on the spread of the coronavirus across the UK. If we have any more updates, we will send them home in the Book Bags. If school is going to be closed, we will use the Snowline contacts and also put it on the school website. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that, and that the virus doesn’t become as bad as abroad. The latest information from the Government can be found
Thursday was an absolute joy as the corridors of Dacre Braithwaite were filled with characters from books! Each class did their own work related to World Book day and a special mention has to go to Cruella de Ville (Mrs Dobbs) and her splatter of Dalmatians (an approved collective noun!). I think the children enjoyed seeing the staff dressed up and joining in. Thank you to all the parents for their support in creating such wonderful costumes and memories for all the children. Enjoy spending your £1 book voucher and we look forward to hearing what you’ve been inspired to read next.
Recently we wrote and thanked the PTA for the fantastic glockenspiels that they bought for use by the children. Class 2 have been learning about musical and rhythm notation this week, culminating in using these skills to play accompaniments on the glockenspiel and a whole class rendition of Baby Shark!
Sports Relief takes place on Friday 13th March and as it’s a great way to get active, have fun and change lives, we are going to have a whole school sports afternoon to help raise much needed funds. As well as running the Sports Relief mile and taking part in a danceathon, the children will join in with fun races and other sports related activities. The children will change into their PE kit at school to take part. Please could every child bring £1 donation on Friday 13th March? If we raise over £100 I think we can even persuade Mrs Dobbs to run the mile!
Many thanks to Class 3 who led us in a really thought provoking assembly today and taught us about the 10 commandments. I loved the way they made us think a little deeper about them and how they still apply today.
At the moment we are collecting for quite a lot of different activities, such as Peat Rigg, Rural Schools concert, VE Concert, Space conference, Bolling hall not to mention dinner monies and breakfast club. Please can you keep up to date with your Parent pay accounts as we really don’t want to have to cancel any of these fantastic opportunities due to lack of funds? If you wish to talk to Mrs. Dobbs in confidence about this, please get in touch. Also we have quite a few children who have not returned permission slips for these trips – please ensure that you have sent them all in. And if you are intending to come to the Rural schools concert, please make sure that you have bought your ticket.
Please click here.
Please can you continue to check your child’s hair regularly as we still seem to have our unwelcome visitors back again and there have been reports of nits? Many thanks.
Our Christian Value this half term is Forgiveness and this week’s thought for the week comes from Bernard Meltzer who says, “When you forgive – you in no way change the past – but you sure do change the future.” That’s a good one to have a chat about over the weekend!
Have a good weekend, whatever you’re up to. Linnéa Stokes, Class 2 Teacher.